During five weeks, six volunteers came for different periods of time. Lola and Isabel from Spain, Jozef from England as well as Paloma, Jana and Carmen from Germany.
This mission team was in charge for the execution of the wardrobes project for which we had been planning and raising funds since July 2018. It included the complete renovation of the two storage rooms for boys and girls to receive the 30 new wardrobes. The old shelves and drawers standing in those rooms were not needed for clothes anymore so they were removed and completely renovated, to be reused in the two offices, which had no proper space for filing before. Of course, these two offices were also completely redone. Thanks to the children’s help repairing walls, sanding, and varnishing, the furniture and rooms look like new right now. The love and care received all the time, made this hard and dusty work more than worth it!
This job was a big challenge for the carpenter, that due to his small workshop and shortage of electricity hours, couldn’t finish on time and is still working on them. The next Team in February/March 2019 will be in charge of finishing this project and will make sure wardrobes are finished and all clothes and shoes finally sorted out and in its place.
Other activities and experiences with the children are always part of the program and most loving fun! They love playing UNO cards, coloring, rope skipping, soccer, singing, dancing and we did too!