Shalom Orphanage is a non-profit organization founded by Mama Warra Nnko in 2004, with a mission to improve the lives of orphaned, abandoned and disadvantaged children. The orphanage is situated in Karatu, Tanzania.
Currently Shalom orphanage is home to almost a 100 children from 0 to 25 years old. Half of them are double orphans, having lost both parents.
Shalom’s heart is to see that all children are shown unconditional love regardless of religion, tribe or ethnicity. Shalom serves to give these kids a childhood back and strives to not only give them the basics such as food and shelter, but to also show them that God has a unique plan for each of their lives. Many children suffered severe trauma and some come with several medical problems like HIV/AIDS, mental or physical disabilities. More than 1.2 million children in Tanzania have been orphaned due to AIDS and many carry the disease themselves, requiring special care and attention that surviving families often fail to provide.
Shalom never turns down a child and offers healing, care and attention for all of them. Because of this they have seen miraculous recoveries, healing from trauma and transformation in all the children they take in.